I have been in lockdown since I started my shop so Chewy hasn't been able to catch me and try to eat me, which is one good thing, but I haven't been able to see my friends in Glen Jimmy either so I am a bit lonely. This has also meant that I have had to postpone my Adventures, visiting lots of places, family and friends around the UK, including Cor Blimey in London, Taffioca in Wales and Awray in Liverpool, amongst others. I am really looking forward to visiting them when we are all able to go out again and to telling my gang and readers all about my travels When I get back home.
In the meantime, I have got lots of interesting products in the shop and a new range of T- shirts for my gang, so please take a look to see if you like anything. I’ll be off down to London soon, but I hope Chewy doesn’t find out or he might follow me. Do you think they will like me in London? I hope I ll be safe in the big city…….
